The Outside-In Approach to Finding Your Flow in Seattle

I would not be the first to argue that humans really suffer under the grand illusion that we’re in “control” of our lives. 

This unrelenting illusion inspires self-serving ambition and ultimately sabotages us by misdirecting our focus.  I’ve seen it time and time again in myself and others: we “do” all sorts of things in the physical world, but do we know for certain what the outcome will be?  Can we make things happen?  

As we all know, sometimes things go as planned and sometimes they very much do not.  It’s not up to us, no matter how much effort we’ve put in or how positive our intentions may be.  And by turns, sometimes those with terrible behaviors and bad intentions go breezing through life as if touched by the angels.  It can all seem really unfair and confusing. 

I guess we could call this mystery the human condition.  We have no control and yet we must take action.  We can’t determine our outcomes and yet we must take responsibility.  Existence is chaos and yet we have to make sense of it to feel good.  Our only option is to surrender.  It’s terrifying, and yet surrendering to this giddy void is our only real chance at meaningful experience.  

But does that mean we stop operating in the world?  Absolutely not. Of course not. These lives we’re living belong to us and we are answerable to them.  So what are we supposed to do? Which part of this thing is our responsibility? Where do we administer our authority? 

In my opinion, it is our responsibility to create the conditions for the best possible outcome and let go of the rest. 

That is it.  That is all. 

We create the conditions for flow.  The flow itself is the mystery of life.

So, what are the conditions for the best possible outcome?  As a part of my Seattle organizing business, and as a stylist for homes, people, and lives, Life-Style-ist is looking to help clients find their flow from the Outside-In: pull the clutter out, let go of the past, purify the conditions, enhance the strengths, and start again. You would be amazed at what this will do.  

Let’s break it down. 

Firstly, let’s talk about energy and how it works. 

When we’re talking about flow, we’re talking about the flow of energy.  Energy is life.  Whether we have a physics background or we’re a woo-woo healer goddess, energy is the same.  If we’re talking about flow as a state of mind, flow is defined as the experience of being so absorbed in our activities that we lose all sense of time. We lose ourselves. It’s a sort of meditative state where nothing is in the way. This is a mind without clutter. This is the synapsis firing on all cylinders: optimum functioning. 

In our external lives, the flow of energy behaves very much the same. Energy is either free to move or it is blocked; it’s either sparking our interests and connections, or it’s dead in the water. 

For energy to move and be free in your life, it must be unobstructed.  

This is where things (can) get somewhat complicated. 

Much of the time we simply cannot see what blocks us.  We act out unconsciously and get caught up in the swift current of incessant activity that life demands, or maybe we’re stuck in a profound state of dormancy, repeating habits that have nothing to do with who we really are or what we want. And the time goes by… 

This is where responsibility comes into the picture.  It’s up to us to go looking for the blocks to our flow.  And wow, can the blocks be copious and everywhere.  People, places, and things?  Yep.  Childhood traumas, finances, and living situations?  Indeed.  HELP!

So much to deal with.

There’s the deep unconscious inner stuff that only years of therapy and self-help research can peel back. (And, yes, I would highly recommend you get into all of that with a licensed therapist or at least a series of good books.)  Also, there’s your hall closet, your studio, your pantry.  Does the chaos of your hall closet have anything to do with your blocks?  Maybe.  But it is also just a bunch of stuff.  It is not stronger than you.  It is not impossible.  And perhaps letting go of things you are not using (your past) could open up the energy for massive revelation and healing (your future self), bringing energy back to dormant areas of life and creating the space for you to change.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and lonely and lacking in self-confidence?  I hear you because I’ve been there.  It’s important that you look deeply at why that might be.  But you could also check out your wardrobe and ask yourself what those things hanging limply on the rack say about who you are, who you once were, and who you really want to be.  Not some other person, but the real you.  The actual you.  The one who has a gift to offer the world.

This is the Outside-In approach. 

I’m no therapist. (I am, however, certified by the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals and a practicing professional Life Coach.) I’m also just a human, suffering alongside you, digging deep to understand what this experience of being alive is all about. I happen to have been born with an innate ability to organize and plan and arrange and beautify. That’s what Sarah has to offer.  That’s why I started Life-Style-ist.  

At the end of the day, is an organized closet, an aesthetic home, or fabulous personal style the key to your happiness?  Nope.  Absolutely not.  But your flow is.  And you have every right to pursue that.  Because, frankly, life is worth it.  It has to be. 

Sarah Overman

Sarah Overman is a Mentor, Teacher, and Coach for Actors and Performers

Why Get Organized?


Introducing Life-Style-ist